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Evan's Printmaking Blog

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Recently I was cleaning the studio and found an old copper plate. I believe it was done around 2005 but I have no record of it and couldn’t find any proofs. It’s title is Memory and I titled it when I did the plate. I decided to print it. After 4 initial proofs on different papers I removed the corrosion from the plate and then printed final proofs on Zerkall Etching and Grey Green Murillo.

Proofing in my studio, September 30, 2020

Proofing in my studio, September 30, 2020

Final Proof

Final Proof

18” x 15” Plate

18” x 15” Plate

Proofs on  Zerkall and Grey Green Murillo

Proofs on Zerkall and Grey Green Murillo

Evan Summer